
HP Bondit III


HP Bondit III is a three component concrete bonding agent for newly poured concrete mixes and existing hardened concrete, as well as an anti-corrosion coating for reinforcing steel. HP Bondit III is packaged in pre-measured units for ease of use on the jobsite. HP Bondit III acts as an effective barrier against penetration of water and chlorides. It can be use on interior, exterior, above and below grade applications. This solvent free, water-based material contains integral corrosion inhibitors.

Use HP Bondit III in spray, brush or roll-on applications.

Packaging: 2.15 gal kit

  • Water-based, solvent-free barrier against penetration of water and chloridesOpen time up to 6 hoursAbove or below grade/ interior or exteriorCorrosion inhibitorSpray, brush or roller application

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